Posts Tagged ‘bad boy gi review’


When buying anything I personally like to conduct a lot of research before making my purchase—especially with BJJ gis. However, the lame part about looking up gi reviews online is that most of the reviews are super bias towards a specific brand, they don’t compare gis honestly, and they are filled with a ton of fluff to make everything sound fancy. Because of the poor reviews I wanted to provide my honest opinion about my experience with the four gi brands I have trained in the last three and a half years. I hope my concise opinion helps you with your own purchases!

1. Atama – The second gi I bought when starting BJJ was a white Atama double weave. This gi was $170, but so far has been worth it. It is a thick, rough, and durable gi. This is probably my favorite Gi. I hate to be stereotypical with liking an Atama gi but I haven’t had any problems with the top or pants. I would say, however, that it has been the gi that has the most notable sweat, dirt and bloodstains.

Cost: $170

Shrinkage: Low

Durability: High

Style: Not too bad
